I'm Mariano Icaza de La Sota; self-portraiyed by Alexander Rotchenko (see Self-Portraits series); and was born in Bilbao, Spain, in 1964.
Today, finally; after passing through the world of Fashion, Advertising, Film and TV; I fell, I am, "Artist and Photographer".
Past my childhood in Bilbao; to learn feelings and life I migrate to London, Barcelona, Paris and New York .....Travel, feel ................ to learn and grow.
Alive today and working in Madrid.
I have focused all my energy in the search of my language for expresing through my photos all my Vital Experience.
I hope that makes you feel some Joy……………..
Even if its only a slight feeling of affection, emotion, passion, love or melancholy ..................
If I can move something within you, for me, the work is done...
Thanks for the tour.
Mariano Icaza de La Sota.